Strength and sources of self-efficacy beliefs by physical education student teachers

Strength and sources of self-efficacy beliefs by physical education student teachers

Publicado em: 11 de junho de 2018

In the teaching domain, self-efficacy (SE) is related to teachers' judgment about their own ability to achieve learning outcomes and student engagement. SE is formed by four sources of information: mastery experiences, vicarious experiences, social persuasion, and psychophysiological states. We measured and analyzed SE and its sources for teaching physical education. Student teachers (n = 114) from three universities responded to two Likert scales - Physical Education Teacher Self-Efficacy Scale and Teacher Self-Efficacy Scale Sources - and a social demographic questionnaire. SE for teaching was classified as (...)


Como citar este documento

IAOCHITE, Roberto Tadeu; SOUZA NETO, Samuel. Strength and sources of self-efficacy beliefs by physical education student teachers. Motriz: Revista da Educação Física, Rio Claro, v. 20, n. 2, p. 143-150, 2014. Disponível em: <>.


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