Previous studies focusing on teacher education have highlighted the role that supervised practicum plays in the construction of future teachers' personal beliefs, including self-efficacy beliefs, yet there remains a need to understand which learning experiences contribute to the constitution of this belief during the supervised practicum. Our objective was to identify situations that influenced student teachers' judgment of self-efficacy during the development of supervised practicum. This exploratory and descriptive documentary research analyzed 18 reflective portfolios produced by student teachers' during their supervised practicum in a physical education teaching program course. The experience of teaching in locus (...)
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IAOCHITE, Roberto Tadeu; COSTA FILHO, Roraima Alves. Teacher efficacy beliefs during the practicum experiences in physical education classes. Motriz: Revista da Educação Física, Rio Claro, v. 22, n. 3, 2016. Disponível em: <>.
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